About Us

Hello! My name is Jimmy Ray, I am from America. I live with my wife Trisha in the
state of Ohio.When I was 19 years old
I was addicted to drugs and
There was something missing in my life
and I could feel it. No matter what I
did to try and fill it, I still felt so unhappy
and empty inside.I started to think about taking
my own life.
Then one day The Lord Jesus Christ spoke to me. "He said if I would give my life to him, everything would be alright."
I believed him and I decided right then and there that I would completely surrender my life to him!
Now either that day or within the next few days
I found someone who would pray with me. I bowed my head and shut my eyes and prayed with the man. I repeated after him and told God "I'm sorry for the life I had lived." I asked him to forgive me
for all the bad things I had ever done. and I asked
Jesus Christ to come into my heart.
When I opened my eyes after praying, I was completely changed, I was a brand new person! I was no longer addicted to drugs and alcohol! No more cravings, ABSOLUTELY NO DESIRE for any of it!
I was FREE, FREE, FREE!!!!!!
I was finally happy and had great joy.
And now after 41 years I am still just as Free as I was that day!
I never had another drop of alcohol or never took drugs again. All the curse words were done and over! Never again did I speak another curse word. No more lying.
I was changed that very moment into
a brand new person. I was given a brand new life!
And now I have devoted my life to telling the world that Jesus loves them just as much as he loves me. What he has done for me, he will do for you!
He loves you so much he died just for you!
Dear friend, no one has ever loved you like
Jesus loves you! No one has ever cared for you
like Jesus cares.
You are not forgotten by me because you are
not forgotten by God. I love you precious one
and Jesus loves you even more!
Sincerely, Jimmy Ray

What We Believe
The people are amazed when we begin to sing our songs in their native language!
I believe that the Holy Bible is the true and faithful Word of the living God!
I believe that everything must be taken to the Bible. If it is not according to God's Holy Word, it is not of God.
I believe that God is the One True God and that there is no one like him in all of heaven and all of earth.
I believe that although there is One God, the Holy Bible teaches that the Godhead is made up of three different persons. God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit.
I believe that salvation only comes through Faith in Jesus, the son of God, and through the forgiveness that is given through his shed blood. I believe that there is power in the blood of Jesus to forgive us, and to wash away all of our sins, and to heal our bodies.
I believe Jesus died on the cross for all our sins and was resurrected on the third day. I believe that Jesus is very much alive today, and he has not changed. He is still performing miracles today wherever he can find people who have Faith.
I believe Jesus will one day return as he promised, and he will take away his True church before the Great Tribulation that is soon to come.
I do not believe in sinning against God. I believe in loving Jesus. I believe that Jesus brought and taught the real born again experience, in which a person is made into a new creature, and is instantly given a New Heart and a New Life. I believe that your old ways will pass away, and your life will become NEW.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
I believe that once a person is born again the person will live Holy, Free from all sin through the power that is in his precious blood of Jesus.
I believe in the Holy Spirit Baptism with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance. It is a separate and much needed experience, according to the Holy Bible.
I do not believe in gathering scriptures to prove what you believe.
I believe in studying the Word of God from cover to cover to find out what God says!